Thank you for keeping Malaysia safe and trusting your health with us. 

Video Tutorial

Saliva Collection

Nasal Swab

Instructions For Use

Product Validation 

Name: UT + Diagnostics COVID-19 Antigen Detection Kit 2-in-1 Saliva/ Nasal Swab

Manufacturer: Universal Therapeutics Diagnostics

Product Identifier Code: UTDCOV-ST-CS01

Lot Number:

Disposal Method

PPE suit with biohazard bin for disposal of covid-19 test kit

Dispose of the used Newgene test kit properly:

  1. Bag all the used items in the test kit into the biohazard ziplock bag provided.

  2. Place the sealed bag into another plastic bag.

  3. Tie the second bag tightly with a rubber band or cable tie.

  4. Throw it into a rubbish chute or pedal bin immediately.

MySejahtera Results Submission

All self-test results, whether positive, negative or invalid, must be reported through the MySejahtera application. Kindly follow the instructions below to report your test results:

1. Open MySejahtera application homepage

2. Select “More”

3. Select “Covid-19 Self Test”

4. Select “Update COVID-19 Result”

5. Select “Update for <your name>”

6. Follow subsequent instructions on the application to report your results

Customer Registration

After testing yourself with UT + Diagnostics Covid-19 Antigen Kit, you may fill in the post-sale form to register your test kit in addition to submitting your results with MySejahtera.