Watsons has launched two of our health products: the AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test kit and the Que Sarah, Sarah 1 Step Pregnancy Test kit 

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 June 2024 - We are proud to announce that Watsons Malaysia has launched two of our health products designed to empower individuals in managing their health: the AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test kit and the Que Sarah, Sarah 1 Step Pregnancy Test kit. 


As a leading advocate for well-being, Universal Therapeutics is dedicated to pioneering innovative solutions that empower individuals to take charge of their health journeys. The introduction of the AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test kit and the Que Sarah, Sarah 1 Step Pregnancy Test kit represents our unwavering commitment to offering accessible, accurate, and discreet options for crucial health screenings.


Firstly, let's delve into the AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test kit, proudly the first made-in-Malaysia product of its kind, the very same kit used by medical professionals globally.


AwarerHOME™ is designed to provide discreet and anonymous testing, prioritising user privacy. With this kit, individuals can conduct the test in the comfort of their own space, eliminating the need for clinic visits or laboratory appointments.


The process is user-friendly, allowing individuals to swab comfortably and confidently. The kit boasts an impressive 99.61% overall accuracy, providing reliable results for peace of mind.


To ensure ease of use, the kit is packaged with pouches labelled 1, 2, and 3, guiding users through each step of the testing process. This organised approach simplifies the testing procedure, making it accessible to a wide range of users.


What also distinguishes the kit is its ability to provide accurate results in 15 minutes. By offering an accessible and private testing option, the AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test kit aims to encourage more people to take proactive steps in managing their sexual health. 


Now, let's shift our focus to the Que Sarah, Sarah 1 Step Pregnancy Test kit. “Que Sarah, Sarah” is a brand name that combines inspiration from the popular song "Que Sera, Sera" and the significance of the name Sarah, which means "princess" or "noblewoman". This name embodies qualities of elegance, sophistication, and empowerment. The Spanish phrase "Que sera, sera" translating to "Whatever will be, will be" in English, signifies acceptance and embracing life's uncertainties. This philosophy perfectly aligns with the essence of the Que Sarah, Sarah 1 Step Pregnancy Test kit, encouraging users to approach this significant moment with grace and confidence.


This vital device provides women with a reliable and convenient means of detecting pregnancy in the comfort and privacy of their own homes, allowing them to test any time of the day.


The user-friendly design and fast results of the test kit ensure that women can access accurate information during a pivotal moment in their lives with ease. With 99.9% accuracy, the Que Sarah, Sarah 1 Step Pregnancy Test kit offers reassurance and peace of mind, allowing women to navigate the journey of pregnancy with confidence regardless of the outcome.


Let’s remember that our health is our greatest asset, and taking proactive steps to prioritise it is paramount. Whether it's through routine screenings, using protection, or seeking support and guidance, we have the power to safeguard our well-being and that of others. Let's make a commitment to ourselves and our loved ones to stay informed and stay safe. By doing so, we are not only protecting ourselves but also contribute to creating a healthier and happier community for all. Take charge of your health today, because your well-being matters.


The test kits are now available exclusively at Watsons pharmacies. For more information about our products at Watsons, please visit https://www.watsons.com.my



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